Tuesday 27 January 2009

January, January!!

Ah well the New Year has come in with a bang! New Year in Knaresborough certainly lived up to expectation! What a beautiful place to live! A good time was had by all -lots of laughs (real belly laughs)and Robbie had his first holiday in the Kennels! He had a good New Year too!

Going back to work after an enjoyable holiday is always hard but hey it has to be done and the usual, one hour into work and you say "what holiday?" It was good to have Stephanie at home for her birthday - as I mentioned previously - how can she be 19 when I am only 25! Something has gone loopy somewhere!!

Life is busy but it is so important to make time for friends and family. I had a great New Year with my friends - thank you! Will be seeing my family soon in the February half term. I must also make more time for my blog! Sometimes I shy away from it because other people are able to read it - I do sometimes dislike that I am guarded in what I write - I shouldn't be because the whole point of this is pouring out my heart and sharing life's varied experiences and challenges with whoever!!

Ah well, I'm sure I'll soften towards "the pouring out" in due course!!

1 comment:

Chere said...

Your photos are wonderful. The thing I truly love about my blog is that other people understand. I can share my joy and pain with my blog friends.